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An Open Letter BACK to SeaWorld

December 20, 2013

LETTER of the DAY: In light of SeaWorld’s recent media push, a former casual visitor Amy Costanzo, now a practicing attorney, cc’d The Orca Project on her letter to SeaWorld executives and shares her views on the marine park’s self-serving (and costly) attempt to “set the record straight“.

Well done Amy! We couldn’t agree with you more. You can read SeaWorld’s open letter to the public HERE (published as full-page advertisements in U.S. Newspapers) and then read the response from this everyday caring citizen here:

Dear Ms. Bides, Mr. Jacobs, and all other SeaWorld employees (including Mr. Jim Atchison),

I read your “open letter” (read: flyer) this morning in the Orlando Sentinel. It seems that the American public has grown wary of you and your operations since the release of the film “Blackfish”, and rightfully so. Since you are inclined to make public statements regarding the alleged care of animals, specifically orcas, in your custody, as a member of the public, I am inclined to respond to your claims.

Claim #1: SeaWorld does not capture killer whales in the wild.

It is true that the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 prohibits entities like you from removing marine mammals from their natural habitats. However, science and the incidents at your facilities have shown and informed us that we cannot breed out millions of years of wild instincts embedded in animals via evolution and biology. Even if you are not physically removing orcas from the wild, you admit to breeding them repeatedly in captivity. This is akin to prisoners having children in prison and those children remaining in prison for their natural lives. All you are doing is breeding wild animals for your own entertainment purposes. From my perspective, this is no different than breeding wild animals for circus performances, for canned hunts, or for the fur industry. You are not better for breeding wild animals in captivity instead of capturing them from the wild – stop pretending that you are.

Additionally, recent reports have indicated that you may have had a direct financial and consulting role in providing captured orcas for the 2014 Sochi Olympics, in that you were part of a consortium seeking an orca permit in Russia and helped pay for research there to justify the latest captures. The reports claim that you and other companies interested in obtaining more killer whales for entertainment venues communicated with White Sphere, the company tasked with capturing the killer whales for the opening ceremonies, in order to advise them on the best practices of taking killer whales out of the wild. These reports have not been verified, but I doubt they are far from the truth. If you did this (and I am sure we will find out of you did very soon), then your statement that you do not capture killer whales in the wild is a bold-faced lie.

Claim #2: We do not separate killer whale moms and calves.

This is a lie and you know it. In David Kirby’s (a respected journalist for over 25 years) book “Death at SeaWorld,” he writes extensively on the removal of calves from their mother. Here is an excerpt:

“The four young whales in the loan—two males and two females— had led lives that could best be described as “interrupted.” There was Kohana, three-and-a-half years old. When she was just shy of two, Kohana was taken from her mother Kasatka and sent to Orlando. Eighteen months after that, she was on her way to the Canary Islands. The other female, Skyla, was born in Orlando to Kalina and Tilikum, but at just two years of age was dispatched to Spain. Then Tekoa was born to the neurotic Taima, who showed aggressive tendencies toward him. In April 2004, SeaWorld sent Tekoa to live in San Antonio, before he was flown to Tenerife in 2006. Keto, 10, was born in Orlando but proved to be a rowdy and somewhat unpredictable calf. Before he was four, Keto was sent to San Diego, where he spent just 10 months before being transferred to San Antonio. Five years later, he was on the plane to Spain.”

You state that on “on the rare occasion that a mother killer whale cannot care for the calf herself, we have successfully hand raised and reintroduced the calf.” Again, this is a lie. You have shipped killer whales all over the world like they were packages, almost never reuniting mother and calf. These “rare occurrences” seem to happen quite often at your facilities judging by the numbers of frequencies at which you have broken up killer whale families. By the way, these “rare occurrences” that seem to, coincidentally, happen over and over again at your facilities is in direct contradiction to the scientific observations of orcas in the wild where mothers almost never reject their calves.

Additionally, the film Blackfish has footage of you separating a mother and her calf. The cries of the mother and the calf, as well as the depression and anguish of the mother, are shockingly clear. I’ll say it again – to say that you don’t separate families is a lie and I am calling you out on it right here, right now.

Claim #3: SeaWorld invests millions of dollars in the care of our killer whales.

This one’s easy and won’t take long. No one cares how much money you spend on your cages. A cage, no matter how gilded, is still a cage. All the money in the world cannot build oceans or repair the psychological damage you have inflicted on these creatures. Your money means less than nothing. I am sure all of the orcas in your care would trade in the $70 million you’ve spent keeping them prisoner for one day of freedom in the ocean.

Claim #4: SeaWorld’s killer whales’ life spans are equivalent with those in the wild.

You guys REALLY need to stop lying. It’s exhausting. Countless scientific reports show that orcas in the wild have an average life expectancy of 30 to 50 years—their estimated maximum life span is 60 to 70 years for males and 80 to 90 for females. The median age of orcas in captivity is only 9. While specific killer whales in captivity may live longer compared to others, overall, they don’t live as long as their counterparts in the wild. You know this. Stop lying.

Claim #5: The killer whales in our care benefit those in the wild.

This argument is my absolute favorite for several reasons. This is the part where you claim “the captivity of a few ensures the survival of the rest.” A very utilitarian approach, and probably your strongest point in all of this debate. Indeed, you state it’s all about the science: “This type of controlled research and study is simply not possible in the wild, and has significant real-world benefits to the killer whales that live there.” Here’s why you don’t have me (or anyone else of reasonable intelligence) fooled.

First of all, let’s be real – you guys are a corporation, a company, a for-profit entity that is interested in making as much money as possible. Profit, not science or research, is your bottom line. To put on a front that you’re in this in any way, shape, or form for the science of it is offensive to those of us who do actually care about conservation, behavioral biology, and field research. Any real scientist will tell you that the best scientific research on animals is done in the wild, not in a cage. Case in point: any lay person attending SeaWorld would think from your shows that killer whales swim in circles over and over and over again. In fact, they swim single file in straight lines throughout the ocean. How do we know that? Through field research and oceanic observations. We also know that their dorsal fins have less than a 1% collapse rate in the wild because the oceanic pressure of the water keeps them erect, compared to the almost 100% dorsal fin collapse rate when kept in a tank. Again, we know this from observation of animals in the wild – not because of you. Your “scientists” are merely paid lackeys who read from a script about the virtues of animals in captivity. Any real scientist would tell you that the ways wild animals behave in captivity is far different than how they behave in the wild. And you’re right, things in the wild can’t be controlled – that’s the beauty of it. It’s like animal reality TV: no filters, no controls, no editing, just the animals doing what they do and how they do it. That’s the best kind of science and that is the science that informs and educates, not the sham science you have going on in the form of keeping the equivalent of dinosaurs in the equivalent of buckets. Let me be very clear about the main point I am trying to make: no wild animal, regardless of species, would ever be held in captivity if there were not some lucrative profitable motivation behind it.

Speaking of dinosaurs, one argument pro-SeaWorld people make is, “if we don’t keep some orcas in captivity, how will be foster an appreciation for them in order to conserve them in the wild?” Here’s my question: if you need to see an animal in captivity, or swim with it in captivity, or watch it touch a ball with its nose in captivity to learn about and appreciate it…then how to children learn about an know about dinosaurs? After all, they can’t touch one, swim with one, see one perform tricks…and yet, kids seem to be fascinated by them and interested in learning more about them. There are even these places called MUSEUMS that contain the remains of these animals where not only people can not only go to in order to learn more about dinosaurs, but ongoing research about how they lived and behaved is happening. How does your logic explain the past, present, and future obsession with animals that cannot be seen, heard, touched, swam with, or observed touching balls with their noses?

Secondly, a desire for more education on a topic does not give you the right to harm and abuse animals either physically or psychologically or to subject them to things that could drive them mad and make them a danger to people and themselves. I can’t kidnap a Japanese person, hold them prisoner, and force them to breed Japanese children b/c I want to learn more about Japanese culture. But I can get myself on a plane and visit Japan. Once I’m there, I can take pictures of Japanese people in their homeland and of their behaviors. I can read a book or academic report on Japan. I can watch videos and documentaries on Japan. I can talk with other people about Japan and compare knowledge and experiences. In this way, I am becoming more and more educated on Japan, and I think I even like Japan! Maybe I will want to dedicate my life to learning about Japan…maybe I won’t. But either way, I am not harming any Japanese person through my actions.

(Writer’s Note: I specifically chose to discuss Japan b/c I know their role in dolphin captures and how they ship wild-caught dolphins to be held captive in aquariums all over the world.)

Third, in your flyer, you actually have the audacity and disrespectfulness to quote naturalist Baba Dioum as saying, “In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.” This quote comes from a speech he made in 1968 In New Delhi, India, to the general assembly of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In fact, he is a founding member of the IUCN. The IUCN is the group that puts out the “red list” of threatened and endangered species every year; it is the group governments, including that of the US, rely on for information in determining what animals and plants are at risk for extinction. Guess how IUCN determines which animals and plants are at risk for extinction? You guessed it – field research! If you go to the IUCN webpage, you’ll get a look at all of the research projects that they’re engaged in all over the world, and all of the ones regarding animals are being done by scientists who have gotten off of the couch and left their respective homelands to go to their jobs. I highly doubt Baba Dioum would support what you are doing, considering he helped found a conservation organization that relies on field research to do its job. Perhaps you should stop quoting him – the man and his work don’t appear to support your cause at all. In fact, they seem to go directly against it. Then again, considering your penchant for sham research, I would not expect you to fully vet your sources of information before using them.

Lastly, don’t try to sway the public by co-opting “experts” like Jack Hanna (who has no formal scientific training on how to work or study animals and was never an expert on animals to being with). We know that he sits on your board and thus has financial – not scientific – interests linked to the captivity of killer whales. I don’t know if you have seen Jack Hanna’s Facebook page, but if you haven’t, you should head over there –there’s a lot of disgust for that man right now and the American public now views him as a traitor to the cause of conservation.

We are not fooled by ANY of these tactics you use to make a case for captivity benefitting the wild. You should just stop talking.

Claim #6: SeaWorld is a world leader in animal rescue.

Except when it comes to keeping your most profitable animals prisoner. The good you do for some does not erase the evil you put forth on others in the name of money. Greed is what drives you – not love.

Captivity. Think about that word. It’s a word we use when describing pirates or hostage situations: “hostages held captive” or “pirates board ship and hold crew captive.” It’s not a nice connotation and we instantly have a negative reaction when we hear it. I have a similar reaction when I hear about“captive breeding” or “performance animals in captivity.” In a nutshell, SeaWorld employees, all of your points are worthless and without merit. The American public is sick of you. eight out of ten performers scheduled for your Bands, Brews, and Barbecue Festival are sick of you, and school groups are sick of you. You are about to become like the dinosaurs: extinct. Maybe you’ll be the ones in a museum one day. Who knows.

I sincerely hope and pray that the backlash that has fallen upon you continues until you come to the realization that it is time to change your current course of action and to empty the tanks once and for all. Until then, shame on you all – you are simply bad, heartless people.

Very and completely, 1,000,000,000% sincerely,

Amy Costanzo


P.S. Stop blatantly lying to the American public – we are not stupid and we have these things called the Internet and books where we can research and document all of your atrocious actions against the animals you possess. Anything you say in favor of captivity, we will find facts and evidence to refute.

“Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.” ~ G.I. Joe

265 Comments leave one →
  1. March 20, 2017 9:34 pm

    I am NOT JEALOUS of Sea World executives who are millionaires. That’s great, more power to them.
    (I’m not one, a millionaire that is)
    Even though everyone on this thread sincerely cares about Tilikum, it is still ANCIENT NEWS.
    Why doesn’t anyone care about the three people Tilikum Killed? I thought Human Life is the most important.
    MSM doesn’t even HINT at it!
    There is a clear understanding why SOME animal rights activists have placed animals higher than people in the past (Different Subject)
    However, anyone Honest has to admit seeing that attitude in the past. I’ve lost count.
    On the other side of the coin, humans don’t have the right to torture or abuse animals either!

    Sea World’s already been Hammered! –Hard Too! They Lost a lot of money getting boycotted also!
    (Not talking about $ they made, but Money they LOST-BIG DIFFERENCE)

    People have a habit of seeing just one side of a story. Example, When a Country gets embargoed because of bad gov, Who suffers? The people, not the bad gov.
    When Sea World gets boycotted who suffers? The exec’s? No, they have their money. Employee’s may get laid off who clean the tanks, then the water’s not as clean, top notch food isn’t purchased, improvements aren’t made like larger aquariums. Animals aren’t exercised. Common sense stuff.
    So as much as I hate to say it, costing Sea World money by boycotts,
    time wasted interviewing, fines, hurts the sea creatures, not the executives.
    Sea World needs to take care of the creatures they still have and not waste it on Stupid Stuff like the Main Stream Media who are the Biggest Hypocrites on the planet.
    Media LOVES IT when an Animal Gets Treated Bad!
    It’s a story to Criticize! MEDIA LOVES IT! Look at 99% of the Media ALL Negative.

    Why doesn’t the Blood and Gore Loving Media ever write a story about Dolphins jumping through a hoop? I would way-much rather see that instead of a Killer Whale biting some poor person in half!
    Anyone who gets off on that is SICK.
    I am accusing the MSM of wanting and exploiting stories like that.
    Why don’t we just keep an eye on Sea World and not give the media their blood and guts

  2. March 20, 2017 8:26 pm

    I like the Orca’s just as much as anyone, but Tilikum died Jan 6 (My DOB!) But, what can Sea World do about it now? Nothing!
    All the Media wants is a story and could CARE LESS about Tilikum Media Could CARE LESS!
    I don’t want to hear anymore how the media Pretends to CARE

    I believe most people on this discussion really DO care about this issue.
    The Main Stream Media Uses Caring Individuals like us which is nothing more than exploitation!
    Sea World has already been HAMMERED—HARD TOO. Anything more done to Sea World will take Away from their ability to care for their fish and mammals.
    Do we want Sea World to Waste Money on what could go to Fresh Fish Food?
    Of course not! There isn’t one person here who would take food out of those creatures in captivity!
    That is what will happen if the HYPOCRITICAL MEDIA Does get involved again for the hundredth time YEARS LATER!
    What is the only thing that could happen?
    This is what
    Talk talk talk We care so much! (Says the Media)

    That’s So horrible, so awful! Bad Sea World! Bad! (Says Caring People on Our Cushy Couch!)
    Bla Bla Bla
    Sea World Wastes Money on what could go to Fresh Fish Food!
    A bunch of Media Hypocrites will Feel Good about themselves! Getting Brownie points from their Editor for a story

    That’s the real Media folks. Twist the Knife after the Stab.

    I grew up on the ocean & I care about those Killer Whales!
    I care about all sea life! Land animals too! (Of course people the most!)
    I won’t even fish with stainless steel hooks and I loathe poaching
    The only ones who will benefit is the Hypocritical Media
    There already has been enough media attention for years and a MOVIE
    Give it a rest!
    THEREFORE NO NO NO, Sea World should NOT GRATIFY The MainStreamMedia
    They should just be nice to their Orca’s & NOT WASTE MONEY On Stupid Stuff like MEDIA Ratings and Media Gratification

  3. Kate-Lyn Jones permalink
    February 10, 2017 3:52 pm

    I found a video on YouTube called “Tilikum Died – SeaWorld Executives EXPOSED: The Killing of Tilikum Blackfish Killer Whale Dies ” made by Bright Insight.
    It shows that Joel Many, who came from the general motors Saturn and Saab divisions, has a base pay of $1million, but because SeaWorld is a publicly traded company, made 11.3 MILLION DOLLARS last year!
    And it’s not just him, Jack Roddy the chief of human resources who came from Starbucks, Peter J. Crage the chief financial officer from Extended Stay America (a hotel chain), Anthony Esparza the Chief Creative Officer who came from a design firm and other entertainment parks, are all MILLIONAIRES! All of the corporate executives, who left Tilikum to die in that tank, make the decisions in SeaWorld and all of their other parks! Their not marine biologists, they never were, what they are focused on is making money. So who would you rather believe? Experts who have spent most of their lives studying wild Orcas from birth to death, or just a bunch of people that want to solely make money from animal abuse and probably know next to NOTHING about these animals?
    Please share Bright Insights video, more people need to know about this.
    Also look at his video that he’s done for Lolita and what we could do to help free her.

  4. Michael Bourque permalink
    January 23, 2017 11:30 am

    free them

  5. Stephanie Mancini permalink
    May 25, 2016 5:32 pm

    Well written ad very thorough. Totally in agreement with you Amy. So ashamed of so much torture and anguish of all animals around the world. Troubling times, it seems as though if hunanity is not at war with itself, we create war on nature and the innocent. I myself feel at peace with seeing nature in its rightful environment, FREE to experience the life it was born to.

  6. Camron Louis permalink
    March 18, 2016 8:18 am

    Im a stupid idiot face, i vote for trump too.

  7. Thomas Ellis permalink
    March 18, 2016 8:17 am

    I am voting Tilikum for president. He can beat Trump.

  8. Donald J Trump permalink
    March 18, 2016 8:16 am

    Seaworld is right and anyone who thinks otherwise is FIRED

  9. George W. Kush permalink
    March 18, 2016 8:14 am

    The average whale at SeaWorld lives to 50 years……..As for their trainers…….maybe a year

    • March 20, 2016 1:33 pm

      None of their Orcas have ever gotten that old. The oldest are the few wild caught that are left and they calculated to be in their low 40’s. None of their captive born have lived beyond their mid 20’s.

      • Anonymous permalink
        March 28, 2016 3:01 pm

        The oldest (Corky) is in her low fifties and oldest captive borns (Kayla and Orkid) are 27. Not that much better though…

  10. Steve permalink
    March 13, 2016 6:00 pm

    I love to eat whale meat.

  11. Leasha Knight permalink
    November 6, 2015 6:06 pm

    It has been months, close to a year since I saw Blackfish. But the Orca’s and all the animals never leave my mind. I pray for God’s animals and every living thing that doesn’t have a voice. I would be less of a human if I could turn my back on such suffering. Every night as I lay in my comfortable bed, with clean sheets and warm blankets. I pray for every living being. Human, animal, that are suffering unspeakable pain because someone, some human has deemed them less worthy of a comfortable life. Or even the most basic needs. Until places, corporate empires, Zoo’s cease to exist, I will continue to pray. Every night that maybe just “this night” they will find comfort.

    • Tim Belky permalink
      March 20, 2016 7:07 pm

      I went to a SeaWorld park once over thirty years ago and thought then that they should just let these animals go. Truth probably being that once captive or bred in captivity these animals are no longer fit for release into the wild. Never have gone back.

      Yet no one on here eats meat, wears leather, has leather seats or furniture, uses paste, candles, shoes or any of the myriad other products of our farm and food industries that are the direct result of animal treatment as bad or worse than SeaWorld.

  12. Sarita G Teixeira permalink
    August 24, 2015 12:05 pm

    I have just watched Blackfish and I don’t understand why people still pay to watch this barbarity that they call “show”, this is no different from slavery. I am glad that when I had the chance to visit SeaWorld last year, for some reason, I didn’t go.
    I am from Brazil and I think we have to do something about it…this can’t go on!!!

  13. Heidi Arellano permalink
    May 23, 2015 7:51 am

    I have just watched Blackfish and I cannot believe that Sea world is still in operation. What is wrong with you people? Do you have no conscience or morals? Those whales need to be released and I hope your business dies. All of you people who still choose to visit should be ashamed.

  14. Jacob permalink
    December 9, 2014 2:02 pm

    Doing a school report on this and this is the best website ive found so far. Its my true dream to one day shut down seaworld once and for all. Those poor Orcas…. 😦

  15. Simon Corbett permalink
    November 10, 2014 9:14 am

    Down with SeaWorld. Release their dolphins, sea lions and Orcas. It is barbaric 1950’s behaviour. We have enough footage for mankind and if we are breeding a smarter race there is no room to tolerate actions of greed and cruelty. Unite against SeaWorld and alike.

  16. October 7, 2014 9:53 pm

    Hello, I would like to subscribe for this website to obtain hottest updates, so where can i do it
    please help.

  17. malinda permalink
    September 21, 2014 8:53 am

    i hope that in 20 years, we no longer have places like sea world and realize that this type of behavior from humans is barbaric

  18. Adam Hughes permalink
    September 14, 2014 2:49 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom For Cetaceans and commented:
    An open Letter to SeaWorld

  19. August 20, 2014 7:50 am

    Reblogged this on Kimzy’s Webblog.

  20. anonymous permalink
    August 19, 2014 1:04 am

    This is the most misleading, biased opinion I have ever read. Stop spreading nonsense and hatred. I get how you feel, but please know that your wrong for being so closed minded.


    someone who just came across this topic, and has no interest one way or the other, just saw it, looked into it, and realized how big of a douche bag you are.

    • Seriously? permalink
      August 19, 2014 8:09 pm

      Ummm. Talk about nature hater……seriously, what do you do in your spare time? Go around hitting puppies and throwing kitten out windows?

    • August 20, 2014 2:04 pm

      Curious how comments with this type of content are ALWAYS ANONYMOUS.
      People don’t have the stones to put a name/face behind such whiney comments.
      No conviction to the cause.

      • Crimson Stafford (Crim) permalink
        August 20, 2014 8:39 pm

        I fully agree with you…..

    • August 25, 2014 10:35 pm

      BS…you are a SW employee, LOSER!

  21. Kelly permalink
    August 17, 2014 7:55 am

    Well said, some great points in here. Thank you

  22. May 20, 2014 1:02 pm

    s a bit of truth to the mostly fiction tales we were told as
    kids. But even more concerning was I contacted Jeremy Saffron who is a good friend
    of mine and he told me that he too thought it was once good and he did more research and found out
    it really wasn’t. Not much research has been done to prove that this is the case though.

  23. 5th grade student permalink
    April 24, 2014 1:40 pm

    The fact that people care about what happens to orcas gives me hope. Hope that one day the Orcas shall all be free. I appreciate the people who have made websites like these and are taking action to save the orcas. The orcas should be free in the ocean. Not stuck in small tanks eating frozen fish. Hope this letter goes well!

    • Latisha permalink
      September 8, 2014 4:49 pm

      The comment from SeaWorld has been removed. I totally support blackfish. Its an utter shame to keep these wonderful animals in the conditions that SeaWorld supplies. The whales can’t benefit from this kind of treatment. And if it wasn’t for profit then why wont SeaWorld adopt the open sea enclosure proposal that was laid out. If they cared then they would do is obvious they care about nothing but the profit

  24. Jackie permalink
    April 10, 2014 3:26 pm

    This letter is very immature and opinionated.

    The anti-cap’s reference to dinosaurs makes me laugh every time. Children like dinosaurs because they SEE THEIR PHYSICAL BONES, just like they can see physical orcas at SeaWorld.

    • emily permalink
      April 14, 2014 12:13 am

      Not necessarily. My daughter was interested in dinosaurs from pictures well before she saw a skeleton at the Natural History Museum. The skeleton freaked her out and kind of put her off dinosaurs. When I was a kid I was fascinated by sharks and cheetahs. I’d never seen either in real life. As an adult I still have many interests in things that I’ve learned about from books. You should try them.

  25. MLB permalink
    March 23, 2014 10:49 am

    Sea World and places like it are evil. I am an animal activist and believe you should stand up for what is right.

  26. Annie permalink
    March 13, 2014 7:08 am

    It is about time people realised what is going on. I have been against places like SeaWorld all my life, since I was a child who saw Free Willy. Animal Rights have always been my interest. I have done small things to try and avoid supporting these places. I have vowed never to go to SeaWorld, and have asked friends and family to do the same. The “Claim #1: SeaWorld does not capture killer whales in the wild.” may be true to a degree now, but most of orcas who are in captivity, are there due to ones that were captured from the wild. In my mind, it is the same as somebody attacking a human family, separating the children from their parents and then forcing them to put on a show, forcing them to breed and putting their children to put on a show. People do not give animals the respect they deserve. The are intelligent beings, they are emotional beings, they care, they love. You rip they from their families and force them into a too small an environment where they have crowds screaming, cheering, banging and clapping, it is going to be traumatic for these creatures. These animals have the right to be free, the right to be with their families. I am grateful to Blackfish for highlighting to the public what really happens!!!!!

  27. February 19, 2014 4:48 pm

    It has been tremendously disturbing to live on knowing this is occurring in today’s world, what these animals don not have and we do is greed, Greed for money! I always thought something wasn’t right about having wild animals in large fish tanks, even at the age of 6. I hope we will be able to look past how much ever profit and whatever financial damage closing sea world and other wild animal zoo parks will be. This is not how nature intended it to be, these animals have inhabited Earth longer than we have. These orcas will probably not even survive in the wild ocean and have more psychosocial damage, because psychologically they have been institutionalized. Time to stop breeding them to add to the damage and thinking about integrating them back into their natural habitat, environment, culture the way it was meant to be.

  28. chris davies permalink
    February 17, 2014 9:41 pm

    Disgusting way humans treat animals. An eye for an eye….. karma will catch those responsible as will terminal cancer which those responsible for catching these animals deserve!

    • Donovan permalink
      February 17, 2014 10:22 pm

      So those who have captured any animal deserve terminal cancer? So that is your solution or your opinion?

    • Olivia permalink
      April 24, 2014 1:44 pm

      I agree on the karma thing, just not terminal cancer. Something bad, just not that. Karma will get them though =D

  29. February 16, 2014 4:25 pm

    heres my opinion. I do not care if this woman wants to thrash SeaWorld or not. It really does not matter. This is a battle she cannot win. These people want their money, however I do not believe that her attacking of SeaWorld employees is really necessary. They are just doing their jobs. And using Blackfish the movie as reliable source is quite sad actually. Its a one sided movie, of course you are going to side with animal activists. Thats all it is supporting. And the internet is somewhat of a reliable source, but lets get real for a second; people lie in person, what makes you think they wont behind a bright screen and a keyboard. This is a very touchy subject right now, especially with the current trials against SeaWorld. Lets come together and meet at middle ground and work from there. Thank You

  30. Boiler permalink
    February 14, 2014 5:00 pm

    Seaworld is only part of a much larger problem which is capitalism.

  31. Ron Lopes permalink
    February 13, 2014 2:50 pm

    exploitation of sentient, self-aware, highly intelligent creatures is not
    necessary for rescuing and rehabilitating sick wildlife. SeaWorld’s rescue and
    rehabilitation efforts have been struggling to keep up with the incredible efforts of dozens of
    highly qualified organizations across the country for many years. SeaWorld Entertainment
    claims $1.5 billion a year in revenue, yet they have spent only $9 million on conservation in
    the last decade. This translates to only 0.0006 of the company’s net revenue being
    funneled back into research and conservation annually. For every hundred dollars made by
    the park, less than 1 cent is given back to research benefiting wildlife. Furthermore, most
    of its rescue work is with animals that are not profitable as performers in its shows.
    SeaWorld has never released an orca back into the wild.


  1. Why hasn’t the US banned dolphin and whale reveals?
  2. Blackfish | Orcas in Captivity | ENDUE
  3. Year 12 Home Learning: an open letter to Seaworld  – LNS.RPatel
  4. wild orca facts vs SeaWorld orca facts | seaworldspiral
  5. Year 12 home learning: An open letter to Seaworld | LNS.RPatel
  6. An Open Letter BACK to SeaWorld | Kimzy's Webblog
  7. An Open Letter BACK to SeaWorld | Orcas
  8. orca whales | Mandys Blog
  9. Approaching Sea World | josepholiver2014
  10. Blackfish – propaganda or finally the truth? | Planet Queen

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